ITD handles the active elderhood as a significant agenda, that’s why we search for and promote every program in connection with this topic.
Now, you have a chance to go deeper into this issue as our partner EIT Health is going to organise a very interesting summer school called McATivAging Summer Scool. It is objective is to educate professionals, gererate projects which would be able to provide a solution for elders and disabled persons in the everyday life.
During the summer school the participants will have an opportunity to get knowledge how to improve skills about mobility, how to foster active healthy life (planning and bringing to effect). Furthermore, they going to have innovative and management training aiding the business to be marketable.
The application is in two rounds:
Deadline for the first round: 22/4/2019
Deadline for the second round: 30/4/2019
Application and further informations:
Fátima Baptista [fbaptista@fmh.ulisboa.pt]