"HUB Collaborations" Innovation Days in Pécs

November 19-20, 2018, the city of Pécs hosts an international event, envisioned and organized by several departments of the University of Pécs, to which partners from the Industrial Chamber of the “Young Spirit” initiative are joining, creating opportunities to found cross-border research, education and business relationships.
The event’s program plan (19th Nov, 2018)
The first day is targeting young researchers, PhD students and market organizations.
- Plenary speaker: dr. Zoltán Birkner, President, National Office for Research, Development and Innovation;
- Plenary speaker: dr. László Parragh, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Sharing UP Innovation Success stories;
- The life cycles, pitfalls and successes of economic and knowledge-based cooperation initiatives will be presented by the speakers in the framework of the “Young Spirit” panel;
- From SME’s to multinational organizations, Demola, having faced diverse IT, engineering, business, marketing, design and social challenges, shares the secret of success
- During the evening dinner we create a thematic set up of table-companies for potential co-operating parties.
The event’s program plan (20th Nov, 2018)
The focus of the second day is on the previously achieved innovative successes and on the innovative thinking behind business success, especially in the field of healthcare.
What is the aim of the innovation day?
- sharing the characteristics of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit through well-known practices;
- providing inspirational forums for experienced and future start-uppers;
- developing entrepreneurial attitudes and thinking through teamwork, mentoring processes and inspirational presentations;
- gaining practical experience in developing health innovations;
- co-thinking for solving everyday challenges with potentially significant social impact;
- to relax in an inspiring and great atmosphere.
In parallel with the presentations, we offer an opportunity to learn about a novel competitive element (Hackathon), where young professionals have to work on a current health problem using the “ideation” methodology.
During the day, participants may take part in short training sessions several times, which can contribute to the successful implementation of tasks. At the end of the day, the contestants will present their results in the form of a short pitch in front of a jury and the other participants.
The problem to be resolved is: “Smart ageing” – how can mobile health technology based on “big data” analysis help address the health problems of elderly people?

The Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries is a unit of the University of Pécs, founded in February 2018. (old.itdweb.hu)
Its vision and mission are to become a leading European institution, which promotes the creation of new disciplines and methodological approaches, crossing and passing beyond the boundaries of existing disciplines, and to provide a space that encourages, conveys, and enables crossings between disciplines and other areas.
Its mission is also to develop and maintain effective communication between science, business and society.
Fundamental values of the institute: intellectual openness and commitment, flexible thinking, integrity and social responsibility, effective communication, creativity and innovation, co-operation.
Three main pillars of its activity:
- Education
- Research
- Outreach
UP’s newly formed institute is the official partner of the EIT Health Network. The only EIT Health Hub in Hungary that covers the entire country excluding Budapest.
Information on EIT Health:
RIS Hub Info:
The Local Government is the successful implementer of the “Doctoral Workshop” event for many years, during which it addresses the participants in the foreign and domestic doctoral programs. Each year, by investigating topic – most recently the “Skill Development in the Higher Education and the Labor Market – Present and the Future of Doctoral Training”, they focus on the development of professional relationships across disciplines in the field of shared thinking and research processes.
Their goal is to contribute to the successful foundation of the ideas of talented students at the beginning of their doctoral program through the knowledge of innovation processes and knowledge utilization by the means of the conference. Their mission is to create a forum where doctoral and undergraduate students working in different fields of science, building on their own and each other’s ideas, will be able to build new, marketable, innovative business concepts and demonstrate them efficiently.
The Research and Technology Transfer Center of the University of Pécs has been available for researchers, students and business partners since 2005. The center is responsible for managing the university’s intellectual property as a national asset and managing technology transfer processes. To achieve this goal, staff members have been involved in the identification, protection and utilization of nearly 100 intellectual products in the past few years and are constantly striving to provide valuable services to both their internal and external customers.
Their mission is to turn UP’s knowledge base efficiently into innovation processes, thus leveraging research and development results into real-value innovations for the economy and society. With this conference and the Young Spirit program jointly managed with the chamber, they would like to increase the economic embeddedness of the UP in order to promote the development of the South Transdanubian region.
The UP Simonyi Center for Business and Economic Development has been helping to transform the creative ideas of students and researchers into business concepts for 5 years, which can answer even regional economic and social problems. Simonyi’s BEDC programs focus on creative and experiential learning as a development methodology recognized internationally. The Center seeks to open up innovation and entrepreneurship to all UP citizens.
In order to achieve this, NetMIB, a global incubation platform has been created, a virtual space for users where all the tools are provided for project development and international relations.
In addition, the International Video Pitch Competition is held every spring, a video pitch competition that allows ideas to be made in an international environment. The first and second runners receive a money prize they can spend on their ideas, and the participants receive feedback from the professionally recognized jury members about the project.
At the initiative of five commercial and industrial chambers, the “Young Spirit” program was launched in February 2018, adjoined by university associates at the chambers’ headquarters. The aim of the program is to connect young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas, but with limited knowledge or capacity, to young and ambitious researchers. In addition to the collection of project proposals, the chamber and university colleagues are working to match the needs and bids received and to assist the potential co-operation partners by introducing them to each other in order to help them materialize the ideas. For the first time, the city of Pécs took the co-ordination.
The lectures of the conference “Young Spirit” are aimed at presenting the results achieved so far and exploring new opportunities for cooperation.
Collaborating Chamber Partners
- Bács-Kiskun Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry Csongrád County
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Győr-Moson-Sopron County
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hajdú-Bihar County
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya


First day - Doctoral Workshop
10:30-10:45 | Greetings and opening: Miseta Attila – rektor, Síkfői Tamás – PBKIK, Birkner Zoltán – NKFIH, Róbert Pónusz – UP Doctoral Student’s Local Government |
10:45-11:05 | Birkner Zoltán (NKFIH): ” The innovative ecosystem development and the role and taks of the NRDIO.” |
11:05-11:20 | Gábriel Róbert tudományos és innovációs rektorhelyettes: “Innovative modeling opportunities at the University of Pécs” |
11:20-11:40 | Kovács L. Gábor and Barnabás Szabó: “IVF chip development” Joint Innovative Development of the University of Pécs and 77 Electronics Ltd |
11:40-12:00 | Parragh László president, Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Welcome the participants of the conference and the Young Spirit program. Universities and SMEs in the innovation ecosystem |
12:00-12:20 | Young Spirit II.: “Innovative co-operation with the entrepreneur’s eye, and point of view of the researcher” Gergely Csikós, Webstar Csoport Ltd. |
12:20-13:30 | Press conference/LUNCH |
13:30-15:00 | Surek György, Rádai Gergely, Miklya Attila, Bacsa László: “Seamless Business, Product & Talent Design I.” |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee break |
15:30-17:00 | Surek György, Rádai Gergely, Miklya Attila, Bacsa László: “Seamless Business, Product & Talent Design II.” |
17:45-21:00 | Dinner – Young Spirit (PBKIK) – Venue: PBKIK Zsolnay room |
Second Day - iDay
10:00-16:00 | Plenary Lectures |
10:00-10:20 | Roel Kammerling – “Can we create an innovative ecosystem?” |
10:20-10:40 | Blazsevácz Péter: “Innovation, the answer the challenges of health ” (Bluemed Kft – Philips distributions) |
10:40-11:00 | Keresnyei János: “What makes me better than my competitors – value innovation in practice” |
11:00-11:20 | Kuthy Antal: “DataLake project” |
11:20-11:40 | Fröhlich Balázs: “From screw to wheel…The SKART Story” |
11:40-12:00 | Szemerey Dániel: “How industry focused accelerators create value in your business” |
12:00-12:50 | Coffee Break – Networking |
12:50-13:10 | Dr. Grand László: “From Academy to startup foundation” Appercell Biotech Kft. |
13:10-13:30 | Kovács Dávid: “Growing from 3 to 100 in 7 years! What’s the magic?” Supercharge Kft. |
13:30-14:00 | 13.30. Maróti Péter – M3D-Vision – “3D online stream of medical e-learning contents using VR solutions” 13.45. Gasz Balázs: “Youranastomosis -The history of the development of a product used in surgical skill training” |
14:00-15:20 | Lunch – Networking |
15:20-15:40 | Urszin Sandor: “I came, saw, innovated. From observation to company establishment.” Clavicont Kft. |
15:40-16:00 | Erdős Katalin: “Academic entrepreneurs – Motivations, typology, challenges” – PTE |
16:00- | Pitch and announcement of results about Hackathon |
Doctoral Workshop & iDay
University of Pécs Faculty of Business
H-7622 Pécs, Rákóczi út 80.

Dinner – Young Spirit
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya, Zsolnay Room
H-7625 Pécs, Majorossy I. u. 36.