EIT Health - Startup meets Pharma

Who can apply
Start-ups with functioning products or prototypes that are market ready.
Programme description
Support from key pharma partners in Europe to develop innovative chronic care solutions.
Pharmachist companies are looking for solutions in these areas
- Amgen: Creation of an algorithm, that would help physicians choosing the right treatment for Multiple Myeloma patients and a solution which will create a standardized procedure for post MI patients after discharge.
- Bayer: Disruptive technologies useful in the therapeutic areas of Cardiology, Oncology, Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Hematology and Women’s Health – or ideally for all of those as a platform technology. Breakthrough innovations for other or multiple indications might be of interest as well.
- Beiersdorf AG: BioTech, MedTech or Digital Health solutions to improve the condition of diabetic skin.
- Boehringer Ingelheim RCV: Portable Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Diagnostic Tool and a solution which could potentially help a wider range of Healthcare Professionals especially those in remote areas where access to ILD centers is difficult, to early diagnose ILDs.
11 January – 30 March 2020
Register: EIT Health Optimy platform
Contact: Barbara Costa (barbara.costa@eithealth.eu)