PÉTER KRISTÓF PHD – Founder, frazir.com, ExO Works CEE Ambassador
Peter Kristof is the CEO and co-founder of frazir.com, a specialized boutique advisory firm focusing on the transformation of businesses, institutions and startups by providing hands-on insights into exponential technologies and disruptive innovation. Furthermore, he is the CEE Ambassador at ExO Works, a global transformation ecosystem.
He is an experienced advisor, lecturer and conference speaker and specialist in disruptive innovation, exponential technologies and industry4.0, having several digital transformation projects with a PhD and a Harvard degree under his belt.
JAROSLAV DOKOUPIL – consultant, entrepreneur, coach and trainer
Jaroslav is a consultant, entrepreneur, coach and trainer working at the intersection of leadership, innovation, technology and sustainability. He has 15 years of global experience having worked with clients in over 30 countries. During his career, he has designed and delivered close to 10,000 hours of programmes, sessions, workshops and interventions to corporate, entrepreneurial, public and NGO clients.
Jaroslav has co-founded and manages RQ Genesis, an innovative consultancy helping leaders to create sustainable value, worked with Future Considerations, a boutique leadership development consultancy for over 10 years, has been involved in a suite of cultural change programmes for a large global financial institution touching 200,000 people worldwide and most recently, has been a Chief Executive Officer of OpenExO, a global ecosystem for disruptive innovation and transformation services.
Jaroslav has lived and worked in UK, US, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and the Czech Republic and travelled to 50 countries.
RITA KRISTÓFNÉ GUNGL – business development expert
As a business development enthusiast, she gained 10+ years of experience in elaborating and implementing successful business models for SMEs. She focuses on supporting business processes of innovative enterprises and consulting startups in product development and international growth.
She holds an MSc in business administration, finance and accounting from the University of Pécs, a postgraduate diploma in business law, an SME-consultant diploma from the Case Western Reserve University and was an Erasmus-scholar at the Jönköping International Business School.
She participated in the following trainings: ExO (Exponential Organizations) Summit (London, 2017), Lean Startup conference (San Francisco, 2014), Business Development & Accelerator Programme, International Create Challenge (Switzerland, 2013).
Selected references: RowanHill Global Kft., Hungarian National Trading House Ltd. (New York), InCubo Zrt., IBM Hungary, BDO Hungary, Xoft Kft., Innoteq Kft., Webstar Group Kft., FutereKids Institute.
DR. CSILLA SIPEKY – scientific consultant, researcher
Dr. Csilla Sipeky (PhD) associate professor earned her degree in interdisciplinary medical sciences. In addition to her research work, she act as a consultant for Horizon 2020 projects at the European Commission and the European Union Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). She has been a mentor for fifteen years, covering a wide area.
Passionate, motivational expert with strong communication skills and entrepreneurial spirit. She represents a multicultural mindset, one of the key factors of innovative leadership. Her international network is considerable.
IMRE HILD – executive director, Global Traction Ltd.
Imre Hild is the Executive Director of Global Traction Ltd. After setting up two startups between 2004 and 2009, he has been working directly with Hungarian and regional startups since 2009 as a consultant, mentor and business partner. He also gives lectures and courses at universities and colleges. Although he has advised nearly 500 startups in the last 10 years, he is currently working intensively with 5 startups in the field of domestic and international market entry, business management and investment. Over the years, he has been a partner in several startup accelerators, and he is invited to many domestic and foreign conferences, startup competitions as a speaker or jury member. He is the president of the Startup Division of the Hungarian Innovation Association, member of many startup organizations, and gives startup courses at the Corvinus University of Budapest and at the Budapest Business School since 2018.
NORBERT BUZÁS – associate professor, Head of the Institute of Health Economics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, Hungary
Dr. Norbert Buzás is an Associate Professor, Head of the Institute of Health Economics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged. He graduated in Szeged in 1992, then worked for six years as a chemist at the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. Since 1998 he has been working at the Faculty of Economics where he has developed and introduced the subjects of innovation and technology management to education. Between 2003 and 2006, and between 2010 and 2014 he directed the University’s R&D unit, the utilization of its intellectual property and the industrial relations. In addition to his university duties, he continued to work in the corporate sector. Between 2000 and 2006 he was the Director of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer at SOLVO Biotechnology Ltd., from 2006 to 2008 the professional director of the first private accelerator in Hungary, ValDeal Innovations Zrt. After that he served as a technology transfer consultant at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for two years. He has worked in four countries and has acquired experiences from different business cultures in nearly 50 countries.
GYÖRGY LUSTYIK – former managing director, Soft Flow Hungary Ltd.
György graduated as a physicist in 1971 and did his PhD in biophysics at the Kossuth Lajos University in Debrecen, Hungary. From 1972, he worked for more than 20 years at the University of Debrecen, and from 1994 he continued his research activity at the University of Pécs, and at the time of his retirement he was the deputy director of the Institute of Biophysics. As a visiting researcher he spent several years in world-renowned research institutes from the USA through Italy to Japan, and has more than 60 publications related to his name.
In the 1990s he participated in the set up of the Hungarian-based Soft Flow Hungary Ltd. Of which he was the managing director of the company for decades. Over time Soft Flow Ltd. has grown into an internationally renowned company with market-leading products in the development of flow cytometry software. Because of the success the company was acquired in 2016 by the Danish FOSS Analytical.
His work was rewarded with Gábor Dénes Award, he was elected twice as the Entrepreneur of the Year and received twice the Quality Award. He does not rest in his retirement years, he uses his experience and extensive international relations to help Hungarian businesses entering the foreign markets and developing international cooperation.
ATTILA SÍK PhD, MBA – director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries, Medical School, University of Pécs, Hungary
Attila Sík is the director of the Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries, University of Pécs (Hungary), professor of the University of Birmingham (UK), and an active scientist in the field of neurobiology. He received his MBA at the Warwick Business School specialised in creativity management and leadership. He also obtained a diploma from the Institute of Directors (London) as a company director.
He practiced leadership and directorship at the British Neuroscience Association and associated Limited Company and also established and ran an art gallery in the UK. His main interests are the improvement of the collaboration between academia, business and public sectors, company direction and management, and innovation leadership.
MARK BROWN – practical academic, researcher, consultant (UK)
Mark Brown is a thought leader on ‘open thinking’, creativity and innovation. He is the managing director of the Dolphin Index Organization. Mark is the creator of the Dolphin Index, a research questionnaire that assesses whether an organization’s climate and culture are conducive to creativity and innovation. He is a practical academic, researcher, consultant, author of several books including The Dinosaur Strain and creator of the multiple award winning Ideas into Action video series. He has a law degree from Bristol University, is qualified as a Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple, London), studied psychology.
Mark has advised, consulted, and presented to numerous business and academic audiences around the world about how to create more creative and innovative individuals, teams and organizations including Apple, Barclays, IBM, GSK, Nestlé, Johnson and Johnson, Marks and Spencer, the Economist Conferences, Hong Kong Management Association, Management Centre Europe, the Middle East Management Centre and Reed Elsevier. His passion revolves around helping people be more open and creative.
For two decades he has worked as a management consultant mostly dealing with companies in trouble. Christian is the founder of and senior partner in Red Associates, a consultancy with offices in Copenhagen, New York City, London and Paris.
He writes, speaks, and teaches on the practical application of the Human Sciences. Latest at The New School for Social Research. His work has been featured in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Washington Post, Der Spiegel, and Bloomberg Businessweek. Christian is also on the board at Fritz Hansen and Bjarke Ingels Group: BIG. His latest book, Sensemaking: The Power of the Humanities in the Age of the Algorithm, was released in the spring of 2017 by Hachette Book Group and is out in 16 languages. Another book The Moment of Clarity, co-written with Mikkel Rasmussen and published in the fall of 2014, has been published in 15+ languages. Christian now is working on a new book called How to Pay Attention and a screenplay called H1B.
RÓBERT KUTSERA – talent manager, trainer, Captain expert
As a teacher, talent developer, a trainer, he has gained diverse experience in organizational development and individual mentoring over the past two decades. As a historian and an expert in social studies, his attention has increasingly turned to organizational-level relationships. During his professional activities, he tries to explore them and show them to a wider audience. Currently he works in Human Innovation Group Ltd., where he deals with international tenders, organizational development and projects involving young people.
At present, he mainly deals with the development of cooperation in local community and organizational development. He believes that creativity and innovation are key to successful organizations in the 21st century. In his work and self-development, exploration and development of factors that promote creativity and innovation play a decisive role. His strengths: openness to the underground, great empathy and personalized help, constructive and flexible thinking, scientific and professional curiosity.
DR. NICHOLAS BARNES – Principal Founder, CEO and Director, Celentyx Ltd, UK
Nicholas Barnes is the Principal Founder, CEO and a Director of Celentyx Ltd, a venture capital financed successful research and development pharmaceutical company that brings multi-£m benefit to the national economy. In addition, he is a professor working in the translational neuropharmacology field within the College of Medical and Dental Sciences at the University of Birmingham and also the National Centre for Trauma Research associated with the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. Research from Professor Barnes’ academic laboratory has also generated a number of revenue generating licensing deals with pharma and biotech for the University of Birmingham. He is called upon regularly at regional and national level to provide strategic and operational advice relevant to third stream ‘commercialisation’ activities.
COLIN GAUTREY – author, executive coach and trainer
Colin is an author, executive coach and trainer who has specialised in the field of power and influence for over fifteen years. He combines solid research with deep personal experience in corporate life to offer his clients profound insights into how to achieve results with greater influence. Colin has a wealth of experience in various disciplines including Mergers and Acquisitions, International Strategy, Information Technology, Sales and Leadership Development. Colin’s work has been used in one way, shape, or form, in over 20% of FTSE 100 companies and 30% of Fortune 100 corporations. Colin has presented to prestigious organisations such as The Conference Board, The Institute of Directors, and many business schools including London, Warwick, Wharton and CASS.
GÁBOR POLYÁK – associate professor, Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs, Hungary
Dr. Gábor Polyák works at the University of Pécs, Institute for Communication and Media Studies as an associate professor. Before his current position, he was a research fellow at the Institute for Information, Telecommunication and Media Law, University of Münster from 2014 to 2016, and an associate professor at the Institute for Information and Communication Law, University of Pécs, from 2001 to 2014. His educational background includes law and media studies at the University of Pécs, master of laws degree in ICT law at the University of Vienna, PhD degree and habilitation at the University of Pécs. He teaches and does research in the fields of media law, IT law, media policy, and he also teaches media literacy for media teachers and conducts democracy trainings regularly. In 2016 he was an expert for the Committee of the Regions in the process of reviewing the AMD directive. His last book is titled: Medienpolitik in Osteuropa. Theoretischer Rahmen und mediale Praxis (B & S Siebenhaar Verlag, Berlin, 2018).
ÁDÁM GULD – assistant professor, Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs, Hungary
Ádám Guld, Ph.D. is a Media researcher, communications expert, assistant professor at the Institution of Social and Media Sciences, Department of Communication and Media Studies. He is a lecturer and professional partner at the ELTE-IMEC and MEDU CAMP in the fields of generational communication and influencer communication. He is a founding member of the Neumann János Computer Sciences Society, Division of E-Weekdays as well as the Media Quarter Association that is dealing with media research, media education, and talent management. He has been researching the communication and media usage habits of different generations since 2012. His articles on the topic are published in journals like Marketing and Management, Korunk and ME.doc. His book on digital culture and youth subcultures was published in August 2018.
JÁNOS KERESNYEI – sole proprietor, creative director of Kerko Média Ltd., president of Creative Industry Claster since 2006.
János Keresnyei graduated at the Teacher Training College in 1982, after that he got a degree as film and television producer, and at the same time as a PR economist. He also has MSc in economics. He started his career as a producer of Kapos Tv, he was co-founder and organizer of the country’s first and only nationwide television network, and between 1998 and 2008 he was the managing director of Pécs TV Communications Ltd. He held senior position at companies such as Soft Flow Hungary Ltd. or Riglersystem Europe Ltd. As a sole proprietor, he deals with business consulting in the field of value innovation, business communication and intellectual asset management, and also participates in creative business management. He works as an industry consultant at the Faculty of Arts, University of Pécs. In the framework of EASME (Executive Agency for SMEs) he works as a Horizon2020 SME Instrument innovation coach, and participates as a mentor in COSME-WORTH and CLOCK – SCQA. He is the regional director of the Hungarian Innovation Association, board member of the Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and he is the president of the Cultural Innovation Competence Association. He also works as a brand ambassador in the Enterprise Europe Network and in the WORTH Partnership Project.
BEATRIX LÁNYI – assistant professor, Institute of Marketing and Tourism, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs,
Dr. Beatrix Lányi is an assistant professor at the Institute of Marketing and Tourism, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs, Hungary. She received her PhD in 2008. She also has a BA in Finance, MSc in Marketing and MSc in English Language Translator. Main fields of her research are pharmaceutical and health marketing, innovation marketing and global marketing. She is actively involved in the mentoring activity of the Simonyi Business and Economic Development Center and of the Competence and Talent Development Center. She also has modules on other Faculties, she lectures Pharmacy and pharmaceutical industry marketing as well as health marketing classes at the Faculty of Pharmacy and at the Faculty of Health Sciences. She was an exchange lecturer at the Institute of Technology, University of Ontario, Canada; ISC Paris, France; Niels Brock Business College, Denmark; VTT Technology Studies Group, Finland; University of Sheffield, Great Britain; ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania; Universidad de León, Spain and Bahcesehir University, Turkey.
SZABOLCS PRÓNAY – assistant professor, Institute of Business Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged, marketing expert
Szabolcs Prónay graduated as an economist at the University of Szeged, Hungary. He received a PhD degree in 2011 on the topic of brand symbolism and brand loyalty. As a young scholar Szabolcs Prónay received the ‘Kürthy Pál Award’ of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which is dedicated to talented young marketing researchers. Currently he works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged. He is the lecturer of several BA and MA marketing courses (including Consumer behaviour, Pricing and Branding) that teaches both in Hungarian and in English.
His research activities explore the dimensions of symbolic consumption related to brand image–self image congruency. The results help to identify the sensitive relationship between self-identity and brand choice. Szabolcs is a regular presenter at international conferences, and the member of EMAC (European Marketing Academy). He is the founding member of the largest marketing community in Szeged (SZTE Marketing Klub).
ZSUZSANNA PERNYÉZ – organization developer, business coach, trainer
In the frames of her professional activities as an organization developer economist, she has acquired rich experience concerning effective cooperation both at individual and at organizational level. After working in business and municipal sectors for years at senior and middle management level, she has turned her attention towards the solution of social and related personal problems. She has been engaged in the creation and implementation of complex labour market and social reintegration programmes at local and national level for 15 years. She has also been dealing with enterprise and organization development for the same period. Currently she manages her own company, Human Innovation Group Nonprofit Ltd As a coach, she is successfully working with senior and middle-level managers and business owners. Her approach is based on involvement, self motivation improvement and the optimal use of one’s own resources. She applies the most up-to-date tools and techniques of organization development while placing great emphasis on her own improvement as well – innovation is her second nature. Her strengths: situation awareness, determination, recognition and creation of synergies, effective time management, solution-focused way of thinking, flexibility and creativity.
SZABOLCS EMICH – Agile coach, trainer, organization developer
Szabolcs has been working as a manager and trainer for agility for 15 years. He trained hundreds of Agile professionals, ScrumMasters, Product Owners, Agile coaches at small, medium and large companies and institutions like the European Commission. With his team, they are creating Agile tools, new methods, and training techniques.
For him agility strengthens the hope that our jobs and workplaces can be the platform and place for development resulting in high quality and excellent performance.
He has seen and built environments and teams where such quality, enthusiasm and team experience were self evident that according to him worthy of a human being and should be everyone’s right..