EIT Health iDay [Innovation Day] in Pécs 2019

On the 5th of November 2019, the Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries (University of Pécs) with the support of the EIT Health will organize again its HUB Collaborations Innovation Day, which will provide real opportunities to establish research, educational and business relations across borders.
The event’s program plan (2019. november 5.)
At the iDay, we aim to listen to the talks of such experts whose “success stories” are related to business innovation and could thus show good examples and role models for the primary target audience of the event, namely to young innovators.
Parallel to the presentations, we shall secure the opportunity to participate in our competition HACKATHON, organized successfully last year too, where young experts shall work on solutions to an actual health problem, using an “ideation” method.
During the day, participants will take part in such short trainings repeatedly that will contribute to the successful manage their tasks. At the end of the day, competitors will present their work in a short pitch before the panel of experts and the participating audiences.
Problems to solve in 2019: Supporting the job with innovative methods of such institutions that help children who suffer from life-risking and life-shortening diseases.
This year’s EIT Health iDay novelty is the Research Exchange whose highlighted goal is to motivate the teachers and researchers of UP to engage in defining and identifying joint researches above faculties and scientific fields, to set up student research groups with a different point of views.
9:00 – 10:00 | Regisztráció/Registration |
10:00 – 10:10 | Megnyitó, köszöntő/ Opening and greetings |
10:10 – 10:20 | PTE Általános Orvostudományi Kar, Transzdiszciplináris Kutatások Intézetének (ITD) bemutatkozása / Introduction of Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries (ITD)
Dr. Sík Attila |
10:20 – 10:30 | “PÁNIKGOMB” – azonnali segítségnyújtás munkaügyi- és munkavédelmi ellenőrzés esetén / “PANIC BUTTON” – immediate assistance in labor and safety control
Csongár Gábor; Dr. Tihanyi Tamás |
10:30 – 10:50 | Támogatás egészségügyi start-upok részére? EIT Health! / Support for health startups? EIT Health!
Békási Tamás |
10:50 – 11:10 | Egészségipari fejlesztések jellegzetességei és buktatói / Characteristics and pitfalls of health industry developments
Dr. Buzás Norbert |
11:10 – 11:30 | A legjobb megoldások a spájzban maradnak? / Are the best solutions left in the pantry?
Ferling József |
11:30 – 12:00 | Kávészünet / Coffee Break |
12:00 – 12:20 | Mitől leszek én jobb, mint a többiek – értékinnováció a gyakorlatban / What makes me better than my competitors – value innovation in practice
Keresnyei János |
12:20 – 12:40 | Innovációs diákkör: Egy ötlet a nemzetközi projektek támogatására / Innovation student community: An idea to support international projects
Dr. Lustyik György |
12:40 – 13:00 | Validálás és engedélyeztetés – az elengedhetetlen mumusok / Validation and authorization – the necessary evils
Sódár Gabriella |
13:00 – 14:00 | Ebédszünet / Lunch |
14:00 – 14:20 | Hogyan építsünk skálázható üzleti modelleket? / How to Build Scalable Business Models?
Kristóf Péter |
14:20 – 14:40 | Ember Arm – 3D nyomtatott myoelektromosan vezérelt felső végtagi protézis / 3D printed myoelectric 3D printed upper-limb prosthetic
Dr. Maróti Péter |
14:40 – 15:00 | NoseIT / NoseIT
Dr. Horváth Orsolya |
15:00 – 15:20 | Semmelweis Kézhigiénés Oktatási Rendszer / Semmelweis Hand Hygiene Education System
Nagy Dezső |
15:20 – 15:40 |
Személyre szabott terápia és gyógyszer rezisztencia: új lehetőségek / Personalized medicine and multidrug resistance: future perspectives Kárpáti Éva és Hallgas Balázs |
15:40 – 16:00 | Kávészünet / Coffee Break |
16:00 – 17:00 | Pitch / Pitch |
17:30 – 17:45 | HACKATHON eredményhirdetés / Announcement of results |
Program running in parallel with plenary session (PARTICIPATION ON INVITATION BASIS ONLY):
Források összehangolásának lehetőségei workshop / Fund interconnectivity workshop | |
9:30 – 10:00 | Regisztráció és nyitófogadás büféreggelivel / Registration and opening reception with breakfast buffet [Dr. Nyikos Györgyi – tanácsadó, szakértő EIT Health] |
10:00 – 11:00 | A pécsi régióban a források összehangolásának lehetőségei – vezetett beszélgetés / Opportunities to coordinate resources in the Pécs region – guided discussion [Szalóki Katalin – külső kapcsolati vezető EIT Health] |
11:00 – 11:20 | Kávészünet / Coffee Break |
11:20 – 13:00 | A pécsi régióban a források összehangolásának lehetőségei – közös beszélgetés a gyakorlati lépésekről / Opportunities for coordinating resources in the Pécs region – joint discussion on practical steps [Szalóki Katalin – külső kapcsolati vezető EIT Health] |
13:00 – 14:00 | Büféebéd a résztvevők számára és informális egyeztetések / Buffet lunch for participants and informal meetings |


EIT Health is a network of best-in-class health innovators backed by the European Union. We collaborate across borders to deliver new solutions that enable European citizens to live longer, healthier lives. As Europeans tackle the challenges of increasing chronic diseases and multi-morbidity,they seek to realise technology’s potential to move beyond conventional approaches to treatment, prevention and healthy lifestyles. To succeed, Europe needs thought leaders, innovators and efficient ways to bring innovative healthcare solutions to market. EIT Health addresses these needs. We connect all relevant healthcare players across European borders – making sure to include all sides of the “knowledge triangle”, so that innovation can happen at the intersection of research, education and business for the benefit of citizens. We give health innovators access to the market, funding and the expertise of our network. We facilitate innovation through programmes, workshops and initiatives. We collaborate on international projects and disseminate our findings to the public. We create new products and services for healthy lives in Europe. And we educate, through citizen engagement activities, innovation programmes and skills training.
More information about EIT Health: https://www.eithealth.eu/
The Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries is an unit of the University of Pécs, founded in February 2018. (old.itdweb.hu)
Its vision and mission are to become a leading European institution, which promotes the creation of new disciplines and methodological approaches, crossing and passing beyond the boundaries of existing disciplines, and to provide a space that encourages, conveys, and enables crossings between disciplines and other areas.
Its mission is also to develop and maintain effective communication between science, business and society.
Fundamental values of the institute: intellectual openness and commitment, flexible thinking, integrity and social responsibility, effective communication, creativity and innovation, co-operation.
UP’s newly formed institute is the official partner of the EIT Health Network. The only EIT Health Hub in Hungary that covers the entire country excluding Budapest.
Information on EIT Health:
RIS Hub Info: https://eit.europa.eu/newsroom/seven-new-eit-ris-hubs-help-eit-health-build-innovation-ecosystems
The objective of the UP 3D Laboratory is to form an intellectual workshop within this rapidly developing field, bringing together a wide array of interests including engineering, health and the fine arts and much more. We seek to absorb the practical knowledge, develop and enhance the skills required in comprehending 3D printing, strive to building partnerships within the industry, facilitate products amongst its stakeholders and evolve into a catalyst promoting contemporary innovations and fostering long term development of the university including the entire region in all aspects of 3D solutions. (http://pte3d.hu/en/)
The Simony Business and Economic Development Center helps to transform the creative ideas of students and researchers – most of them might have solutions to regional economic and social problems – into business conceptions for more than six years. The education method that is used at the programs of the Simonyi BEDC, namely education through group work and experience, is an internationally recognized development methodology. The Center aims to open up national and international possibilities of innovation and entrepreneurship for all the citizens of the University of Pécs. The Center’s project owner, announced twice a year, its extended expert and mentor network that backs up its incubation program, the summer school with a focus on social enterprises and the continuously developed incubation platform for these, finally the annually organized international video pitch competition make possible not just the national, but also the international validation for initiators and developers.
Through its complex service portfolio, expert colleagues, broad national and international network of relations, the INPUT Program’s aim is to contribute to the Hungarian IKT startup ecosystem, to motivate the development of brand new innovative enterprises and to foster their successful appearance on the international markets.
InnoExpo is an unique, industry-independent three-day exhibition that offers a platform for all innovations, from start-up initiatives to major international companies that are at the forefront of innovation and where the new digital era has begun.
László Galambos is an IT entrepreneur, founder and main sponsor of Tábitha; in 2011, he offered his own house for the children’s hospice, and at his own expense, he reconstructed it to meet the recent requirements. This was the development of Hungary’s still biggest children’s hospice house, which is respected by the medical profession, where already more than two hundred families have found help and shelter.
The services of the house, which operates through the Hungarian Baptist Aid and through state normative, are all-inclusive and free. Tábitha is not “the house of death and suffering”. On the contrary: it is the place of solace and relief from suffering.
The END-OF-LIFE SERVICE provides help for terminal state children and their families. A patient is in a terminal state if he/she suffers from a grievous, incurable disease, and his/her condition is getting worse despite the medical treatments, and his/her expectation of life is less than six months.
The RELIEF SERVICE helps those children (and their families) who suffer from grievous, incurable diseases and requires 24 hours nursing.
The TRANSIT SERVICE helps those families whose child needs permanent home nursing after longer hospital treatment.
Their goal is to contribute to the successful foundation of the ideas of talented students at the beginning of their doctoral program through the knowledge of innovation processes and knowledge utilization by the means of the conference. Their mission is to create a forum where doctoral and undergraduate students working in different fields of science, building on their own and each other’s ideas, will be able to build new, marketable, innovative business concepts and demonstrate them efficiently.

EIT Health iDay plenary session
PTE BTK-TTK Vargha Damján Konferenciaterem
7624 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6.

HACKATHON competition
PTE Transzdiszciplináris Kutatások Intézete
7624 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 11. 2. emelet (Laptopszalon felett)


The winner team will be able to attend on the Winners Day (in Paris) organized by EIT Health and Imperial College (London) between 30th November and 1st December 2019, where they can represent Hungary with their project in front of international experts and investors.
Valuable and tangible prizes, smart devices.

- ITD and Doctoral Student Association: 100.000 HUF for each team member
- Simonyi BEDC: opportunity to exhibit on the iExpo on 25th November 2019; opportunity to validate the project in front of investors + gift package; opportunity to participate on the Spring Simonyi Incubation Program in Spring 2020 + gift package
- INPUT: 1-hour business development consultancy with the business development team of PwC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) worth 100.000 HUF
InnoExpo: opportunity to participate at the innovation market in HungExpo in Spring 2020
- 3D Printing and Visualization Center: prototype development/ lab time at the center worth 1 Million HUF