Francis Clooney professor from Harvard University - The different religions can learn from each other?
As a co-organiser ITD contributes to arrange a major lecture which will be held by Francis Clooney professor from Harvard University in Pécs. The Jesuit publisher will bring out a book called Deep Learning Across Religious Borders in which Mr.Clooney examines whether the different religions can learn from each other in conceptual and/or functional way especially Christianity and Hinduism. Clooney is an expert of India, his books have been published by the largest scientific publishers:
Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries takes main focus on different religions, too as an academics field.
Do not hesitate, come and join us on 7th May at 5pm in the Knowledge Center.
The lecture will be in English, but there will be interpreters, who will translate it immediately. Participation in the program is free of charge.
Some of the materials published by Francis Cloone after his performance in Hungary: