EHMA 2018 Annual Conference

EHMAthon Call for applications


#What: EHMAthon

#Place: Budapest, Hungary

#Dates: 19-22 June 2018

#Applicationdeadline: 1 June 2018

#Apply NOW: Application form


Dear Innovators,

Do you want to have a say in the future of healthcare?

Are you ready to brainstorm, solve a challenge and work in diverse teams?

Do you think innovation is crucial nowadays?

Interested in cracking a real-life challenge in a 2-day hackathon at EHMA 2018 Conference?

Then apply for #EHMAthon2018!

==What is EHMAthon?==

EHMAthon is a two-day hackathon where participants work in cross-functional teams with mentors to find innovative solutions to a common and given challenge in the field of healthcare & technology, by using Design Thinking. The EHMAthon will take place within the EHMA 2018 Conference organized by the European Health Management Association and the Semmelweis University, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, edUcate and supported by EIT Health.

==What is Design Thinking you ask?==

This is a human-centered approach to problem-solving with a clear methodology and toolkit. It puts the user in the focus, and emphasizes empathy, insights, ideation and prototyping. EHMAthoners will take part in a half-day Design thinking training before jumping into solving the challenge. Then, teams will work on their solutions by using the methodology, along the support of specialized mentors and experts.

==What is the challenge?==

The topic of the EHMAthon 2018 is to solve this challenge: “How might we improve healthcare in remote and underdeveloped areas in Europe by leveraging technology and digital solutions?”

==When and Where?==

Budapest, Hungary, June 19-22th

==Programme. What to expect?==

Bootcamp: June 19-20th

June 19th

  • 9 am – 10 am: Introduction, briefing on the challenge
  • 10 am – 1 pm: Design Thinking training
  • 2 pm – 6 pm: Cracking the challenge in teams

June 20th

  • 9 am – 6 pm: Cracking the challenge in teams

Food is provided during the 27-hour long overnight brainstorming

EHMA 2018 Conference:

June 21st

  • EHMAthoners spend the day at the conference. For more information on the conference visit: link

June 22nd

  • Presentation of the EHMAthoner teams’ solutions in front of a professional jury and a 350-people audience



The EHMAthon is supported by EIT Health who fully covers for the successfully admitted EHMAthoners:

  • economy flights up to 250 EUR,
  • 3-night accommodation (19, 20, 21 June)
  • EHMA 2018 Conference pass for two days including meals and a cocktail reception

Please note that shuttles, taxis, extra luggage and meals on board are not included.


A range of awards will be presented for the winning teams: the first team gets tickets and coverage for the EHMA 2018 Winter School in Kloster Eberbach, Germany and the second teams award will be provided by EIT. More details on the awards to be announced soon!

Who qualifies as an ideal candidate?

We are looking for 35 highly motivated, active post-graduate students and young professionals who want to participate in a challenging learning event and build innovative and impactful solutions in the field of healthcare.

Apply if you are:

✔ 18-35 years old
✔ Study/ have experience in healthcare, medicine, pharmaceutical sciences and/or have a strong interest in the field
✔ Have ongoing post-graduate university studies or graduated no more than 5 years ago
✔ Have relevant experience in the field (e.g. member of NGO, researcher, healthcare professional, medical specialist, patient)
✔ Have clear goals, motivation to participate and are able to “think outside the box”
✔ Working proficiency in English

==How to apply?==

1) Fill out the Application form where you prove your motivation, experience and also send us a max 2-minute video where you answer the following questions:

– What is your motivation to participate in the EHMAthon?

– How might we improve healthcare in remote and underdeveloped areas in Europe by leveraging technology and digital solutions?

Application deadline: 1 June 2018 midnight CET

==The selection process==

1. Online application form and semi-final: We would like to understand your background, relevant experiences, opinion and motivation about the topic and the event.

2. Decision: You will be notified via e-mail by 1 June latest if you are invited to the finals in June. The 35 admitted EHMAthoners will be assigned to teams of 5 and participate in the EHMAthon with these teams.

==And now?==

We are looking forward to reading your applications and if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us anytime:


facebook: @edUcateHungary/