The Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries, University of Pécs, in cooperation with the Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Business and Economics and Szentágothai College is again organizing the Arts and Science Conference and Festival, which aim is to recognize and celebrate the culture and research of our university, and to create interactive collaborations beyond sophisticated and intelligent science communication.
The theme of this year’s international conference and art festival – in Hungarian and English language – is the ’Art of Ageing’ just like last year. This is interpreted not only as a biological process, but also as a general and universal process that marks the passing of time.
The conference and festival will be held at several venues in Pécs, including the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Pécs, the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Pécs, the ’Reggeli’, Trezor, 19 Bar & Shop and the ’Reménysugár Kulturális Egyesület’ on the Király street, furthermore the Granary Visitor Centre between October 2-5, 2019.
Art of Ageing – For the Active Elders Workshop

A workshop discussion with international and national actors to open the festival week, aimed at defining the domestic vision of active aging with the help of foreign samples.
Date: 2nd October 2019 (Wednesday) from 9:00pm
Venue: University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences (Pécs, Vörösmarty street 4.) A1 room
The afternoon provides colourful programmes for (not only) the active elders:
Időpontok |
Program |
Helyszín |
Szervező Intézet |
15:00-17:50 óra között |
Csikung |
Pécs, Szent István tér |
Konfuciusz Intézet |
16:00-17:50 óra között |
gyógynövények |
A2 |
Konfuciusz Intézet |
14:00-18:00 óra között |
szűrések (vércsoport, vércukor, vérnyomás mérés, látásvizsgálat) |
fsz áp. demo terem |
Ápolástudományi Intézet |
14:00-15:30 óra között 30 percenként |
jogi ügyek (végrendelet, biztosítás, stb.) |
Tanácsterem |
Egészségbiztosítási Intézet |
14:00-15:50 között |
víz és egészség – A gyógyvizek jótékony hatásai – |
A215 |
Egészségbiztosítási Intézet |
16:00-17:50 között |
víz a középpontban |
A216 |
Táplálkozástudományi Intézet |
15:00-17:50 óra között |
fiatalító falatok |
A203 |
Táplálkozástudományi Intézet |
14:00-18:00 óra között |
fizikai állapotfelmérés |
sportlabor |
Fizioterápiás és Sporttudományi Intézet |
16:00-17:50 óra között |
senior aerobic |
A1 |
Fizioterápiás és Sporttudományi Intézet |
14:00-15:50 óra között |
csontritkulás torna |
C1 demo (7621 Pécs, Mária u. 5-7.) |
Fizioterápiás és Sporttudományi Intézet |
14:00-17:30 óra között |
életmentő beavatkozások időskorban (újraélesztés, sebellátás) |
A214 |
Sürgősségi Ellátási Intézet |
14:00-17:40 óra között |
bűnmegelőzés |
A5 |
Pécsi Rendőrkapitányság Bűnügyi Osztály |
14:00-18:00 óra között |
munkavállalás idősebb korban – fizikai és szellemi kompetenciák együttes vizsgálata |
alagsor folyosó |
PTE Munkatudományi és Foglalkoztatás-egészségügyi kutatócsoport |
The purpose of the conference:
Focusing on active ageing, the conference will address issues of vital importance regarding health and quality of life of elderly that help to maintain a good standard of living as long as possible. The speakers will give national and international perspectives partly on organized support opportunities for active ageing and will present specific sub-areas such a fallibility syndrome, generation problems, exercise programs, nutrition etc.
The conference is also an optional vocational training course for health care professionals. Health issues in an old age are discussed in many aspects, e.g. exercise, nutrition, internal medicine, emergency care.

Due to the wide, interdisciplinary nature of the lectures, the conference is not only open to healthcare professionals but provides an interesting experience for university students and the „civilian” population, too.
Date of the conference: 3rd October 2019 (Thursday)
Location of the conference: University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences „A” building (7621 Pécs, Vörösmarty street 4.), big lecture room and classrooms
Pre-registration: Due to the capacity of the room, a pre-registration is required for the event, which has a deadline until 10th September 2019. After your participation request, we will provide you information about the opportunity to attend the event. [PRE-REGISTRATION HERE]
Language of the conference: English and Hungarian. English presentations in the plenary session will be simultaneously interpreted. At the registration to the conference, you will be able to indicate your need for interpretation.
Planned conference program:
Elnökség | Presidency Prof. dr. TÓTH Miklós Prof (Univ. Birmingham) dr. SÍK Attila Dr. Emil C. TOESCU Dr. habil. OLÁH András Prof. dr. NYITRAI Miklós |
9:15 | PLENÁRIS ÜLÉS – angol nyelvű ülés, tolmácsolással, közben kávészünet, végén vita/kérdések | PLENARY SESSION (in English – with interpretation), coffee break in between, debate and questions at the end
9:15 | Dr. Emil C. TOESCU – Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries (ITD), Pecs, Hungary – Healthy Ageing – interventions and interactions with Elderly communities |
9:40 | Dr. Paul TIMMERS – Visiting Fellow at Oxford University and former European Commission Director for Digital Society, Trust & Cybersecurity in the Directorate General CONNECT
Elderly people taking part in innovation in active and healthy ageing – some European experiences |
10:05 | Alfonso Lara MONTERO – Alfonso Lara MONTERO – Chief Executive of the European Social Network |
10:35 | Kávészünet |
10:45 | Dr. Graham ARMITAGE, Deputy Director of the National Innovation Centre for Ageing, Newcastle, UK; member of the UK-Ireland Board of Directors and a member of the Strategic Education Board at EIT Health |
11:15 | Prof. Jose GRICAR, Slovenia, Program Coordinator, Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegion (Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary), part of the Active Aging Networks.Possible Directions of eInclusion in Active Aging |
11:45 | Prof. dr. TÓTH Miklós
Az életmód medicina lehetőségei | The role of physical activity in life style medicine |
12:45 | Ebéd | Lunch (Palatinus Hotel Étterme és Nádor terme – Pécs, Király u. 5.) |
13:45 | Kávészünet | Coffee break (PTE ETK Pécs, Vörösmarty u. 4.) |
14:00 | Szekcióülések | Afternoon sessions
(a detailed program will be published later…)
Planned afternoon sessions:
I. Interdiszciplináris szekció (magyar nyelvű)
Az idő múlása nem csak élettani jelenség, hiszen számos egyéb tudományterület kulcskérdésként kezeli azt vizsgálódásai, kutatásai során. Elég csak a történettudományra gondolnunk, de a mérnöki munka során is megjelenik az idő múlása az anyagfáradás vagy a formatervezés, stílusok, anyagok változásaiban, energiahatékonyságban. Minden tudományterület szerves része tehát az idő, s a konferencia szekciója éppen ezt, az idő sokszínűségét kívánja körbejárni több tudományterület szempontjából. Üléselnök: Dr. Deák Máté PTE ETK A2 terem |
14:00 | Rimai Dávid – A “Technokid” terminus – generációs elmélet, vagy globális idősík? |
14:25 | Nyers Szilvia – Társadalmi elvárások és az idő paradoxona. |
14:50 | Kávészünet |
15:00 | Dr. Várady Géza |
15:25 | Prof. Dr. Szécsi Gábor, Dr. Koltai Zoltán – Gerontoedukációs modellek az információ korában |
15:50 | Dr. Glied Viktor – Elhiszem, amit látok – Félrevezetés a politikában |
16:15 | Vita megbeszélés |
14:00 | II. Aktív Idősekért Szakmai Továbbképző Konferencia (magyar nyelvű)
Üléselnök: Prof. dr. Törőcsik Mária PTE ETK „A” nagyelőadó terem |
14:00 | Prof. Dr. Törőcsik Mária – közgazdász, egyetemi tanár PTE KTK Generációk egymásért |
14:30 | Dr. Lukács Miklós – belgyógyász, intézeti orvos PTE ETK Esendőségszindróma és polifarmácia – megelőzési és optimalizálási lehetősége |
15:00 | Tardi Péter – gyógytornász-fizioterpaeuta BSc, MSc, szakoktató PTE ETK Fizikai aktivitás szerepe időskorban, evidenciákon alapuló mozgásprogramok |
15:30 | Schiszler Bence mentőtiszt, egészségügyi menedzser, tanársegéd PTE ETK Van esélyünk a stroke-kal szemben? A gyors felismerés életet menthet |
16:00 | Kávészünet |
16:15 | Kubányi Jolán – táplálkozástudományi szakember, az MDOSZ elnöke Egészséges táplálkozás ötvenen túl |
16:45 | Ungár Tamás Lászlóné dr. Polyák Éva – dietetikus, élelmiszer-minőségbiztosító mérnök, adjunktus PTE ETK Kihívások az egészséges idősödési folyamat táplálkozási aspektusaiban |
17:15 | Tóthné Rádai Viktória – ápoló szakoktató PTE ETK A táplálás-támogatás lehetőségei időskorban |
17:45 | Vita megbeszélés |
14:00 | III. Aktív időskor szekció
Üléselnök: Dr. RÉTSÁGI Erzsébet PTE ETK A1 terem |
14:00 | Dr. RÉTSÁGI Erzsébet
Tudatos testedzés szenior korban is! |
14:20 | Dr. NOVÁK Pál
Az elmúlás megjelenése az élettan, a jog és a művészet kölcsönösségében |
14:40 | HOVÁNYI Gábor
Az idősödő munkavállalók általános gazdasági és szociális helyzetének elégedettségi vizsgálata a Dél-Dunántúlon |
15:00 | Kávészünet |
15:20 | CSÓKA László |
15:40 | HEGEDŰS Réka |
16:00 | Dr. PANKÁSZ Balázs
Ergoscope: objektív módszertan a munkaképesség vizsgálatára az idősödő korcsoport esetében |
16:20 | Vita megbeszélés |
Térítési díjak
A konferencia plenáris ülésén, a szekcióüléseken, a kávészüneteken, valamint az ebéden a konferencia részvevői térítésmentesen vehetnek részt. A részvétel feltétele: előzetes regisztráció 2019. szeptember 17-ig. Az előregisztrációra a terem véges befogadóképessége miatt van szükség. A szervezők 2019. szeptember 20-ig e-mailben küldenek értesítést a tényleges részvételről (illetve tájékoztatást az elutasításról).
Szakmacsoportos továbbképzés:
A konferencia egyben szabadon választható szakmacsoportos továbbképzés is egyben. A konferencia programját Az Állami Egészségügyi Ellátó Központ 2019. július 8-ával befogadta az SZTK-A-45848/2019-es számmal. 19 pont ismertethető el az alábbi szakmacsoportok részére:
A továbbképzési pont csak azon szakdolgozónak számolható el, aki a rendezvény teljes programján részt vesz (9:00-18:00 óra között, beleértve a vita és hozzászólást is), valamint aláírta a regisztrációs ívet (délelőtt és délután is).
Nem adható ki a továbbképzési pontról az igazolás, ha valamelyik regisztrációs ívről az aláírás hiányzik, illetve ha az előregisztráció során hiányos adatbenyújtás történt.
Bővebb információ:
+36/72 513-674

Body and soul, morality and human dignity: an evolutionary perspective – Gerhard Medicus, lecturer at University Innsbruck
The evolutionary prerequisites for the development of humaneness were socially friendly behavior patterns originating in early mammals: brood care giving rise to soothing cuddling; later in primate ancestors: social behavior, reciprocal altruism and reconciliation. Friendly behaviors are anchored in emotionally driven dispositions. They were increasingly superimposed cognitively in hominoid ancestors (great apes), specifically through empathy (which enables consolation and social support), as well as through the separate perception of the proprioceptively experienced, bodily “I” and the intellectualized, spiritual “Me”. Beginning with Homo erectus, this was supplemented by an expanded time horizon and emphronesis (Theory of Mind), and along with it guilt and shame, apology and forgiveness. Humans ultimately became moral beings through verbal language, reflection and responsibility. The distinction of body and soul enables humanity and humaneness, but over the course of cultural history this separation gave rise to constraints and conflicts that complicated how we deal with our own selves and with others.
Date: 1st October 2019 (Tuesday) 16:00-17:30
Venue: University of Pécs, BTK-TTK Kari Tanácsterem

Religion – slow poison or the cure for the soul? – PANEL DISCUSSION
It seems that the practice of traditional religion, the practice of religion in the community, is becoming less and less important in our daily lives, and this role is taken over by the relationship between the individual and God, or even by other non-European ideologies. But is that really the case? Are we losing our faith? To what extent is our modern life compatible with faith and religion? Why can other alternatives be interesting for the European people? Our speaker will try to find and give answers to many similar questions at the event, with the involvement of the audience in an interactive way. Old and new roles of faith and religion, aspects of man’s belonging to the community, let he be believer or non-believer, man as a spiritual and biological being, are all topics that cause us to think again and again. The discussion is public and free but needs pre-registration.
Speaker: Attila Porpáczy, Catholic Pastor, Parish Governor
Location: Reggeli (Pécs, Király street 23-25.)
Date: 2nd October 2019, 17:00-19:00 pm

Let’s fold! Come and help to prepare the 2019 Arts and Science Festival logo!
You can be part of a large-scale origami street art production. How? Come to the Lecture Hall of the University of Pécs, Medical School on Wednesday, October 2, 2019, between 5 pm and 8 pm and unfold some simple items with the guidance of the members of the Pécs Origami Circle, which will then be used for the logo to be set up in the lobby. You can also write a message or your opinion in the items during the preparation and the festival.
Venue: University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine
Date: 2nd of October 2019 (Wednesday) between 17:00-20:00 pm

Whiskey tasting with 19 Bar & Shop
Maturing whiskey – professional presentation with a 4-course tasting
With the help of our expert from Budapest, we can learn about how whiskey is made from barley (or grain) through various processes, including of course ripening.
Registration is need for the participation which will be valid upon the arrival of the entry fee. Participation fee: 4,500 HUF/person, including tasting line, welcome snacks, lecture and unlimited soda-water.
Duration of the program: appr. 1 hour. Limited staff: 20 people.
Details and deadline of the registration: 22nd September 2019 via the social page:
Date: 2nd October 2019 (Wednesday) 20:00
Location: 19 Bar & Shop, (Pécs, Király Street 19.)

Sports, ages, lives – PANEL DISCUSSION
Did you know? Sport enhances endorphin production, which helps to suppress feelings of exhaustion and stress. After a great exercise, we sleep better, furthermore it has a positive effect on our memory and concentration. The speakers invited to the panel discussion will talk about what sport has added to their lives and about the challenges they face day to day. In the discussion, we place great emphasis on generational differences, as we know that sport is not age-related.
What does sport mean to you? Come and tell us!
Speakers of the panel talk:
Cecília dr. Sár Pápayné, ultra trail marathon racer | Károly Mindum, 10 X Ironman, Man of Steel of Pécs | Trainer and athlete of PSN Zrt.
Date: 3rd October 2019 (Thursday) between 17:00-19:00 pm
Venue: Reggeli (Pécs, Király street 23-25.)

College conference
A college conference will be organized with the help of Szentágothai János Protestant College of the University of Pécs. The event will be a great opportunity for students and tutors to present their ideas in the field of ‘Art of Ageing’.
It is indisputable that interdisciplinarity is one of the key words in the response to the new scientific challenges of the 21st century. During the conference, we would like to emphasize this even more and provide opportunities for effective communication between different fields of science.
Date: 4th October 2019 (Friday) 9:00-17:00
Location: University of Pécs, Medical School, Tanácsterem

Fashionably then and now – PANEL DISCUSSION AND FASHION SHOW
We welcome all those who are interested in fashion and are eager to exchange ideas on how the concept of fashion has changed in recent decades. Fashion is not only about dressing, but also about cosmetology. Our experts will describe why the continuous innovation makes us go back to our roots, to those fashion elements and natural materials that e.g. our grandmothers used. We start the event with an extraordinary program item, a fashion show, which we would like to thank to Adél Frank, fashion designer (Adele Frank Art & Design). After the show, we will see the performance of the Fonti Five Dance Group.
Speakers of the following panel talk:
Adél Frank, fashion designer (Adele Frank Art&Design) | Dr. Mária Törőcsik, trend researcher | Petra Egri | expert of L’Oréal Paris | expert of Marie Claire newspaper
Date: Pécs, 4th October 2019. (Friday) 17:00-19:00
Location: Trezor Rendezvényház (Pécs, Király street 11., in front of the National Theatre)

Japanese drink tasting
Tasting of Japanese beers and distillates and a presentation on the habits of Japanese beverage culture. Participation is subject to registration. To register, contact or call +36 20 / 434-9021. Further information: Zsuzsa Molnár +36 20 / 434-9021 Participation fee: 1,200 HUF / person.
Date: 4th October 2019 (Friday) 20:00pm
Location: Reménysugár Kulturális Egyesület (Pécs, Király street 9.)

Senior Joy Dance: Movement – Joy – Brain Training!
We invite you to an adventure by getting involved in the SENIOR JOY DANCE. The Senior Joy Dance has been introduced in Hungary and Pécs for 2 years now – if you haven’t met it until now, this is your chance to get a taste of it. Many people around us might think that dancing is unusual and crazy in an old age? Only those who can step out of their comfort zone can develop! Dance is like a good game. It invigorates the body, refreshes the spirit and lifts the soul. Improving your mood and fitness in a community is even more fun!
Date: Pécs, 2nd October 2019 (Wednesday) between 10:00-11:30 am
Location: Pécs, Király street 9. (Reménysugár Kulturális Egyesület)

3-1-2 Meridian Gymnastics
In a healthy person, the vital energy circulates unhindered in the 12 main and the two midline meridians. In a state of illness, the energy gets stuck in the meridian. In order to maintain a healthy state – we know that the biological age of a person is 120 years – we should spend about 20-30 minutes a day doing “3-1-2 ″ meridian exercises to ensure the free flow of energy in our own meridians. What kind of exercises are they? The “3” indicates that we need to acupressure ourselves at three meridian points. The meaning of “1” is about our abdomen: we need to do daily abdominal breathing while lying down or standing. Finally, “2” is a test of the strength of our feet: physical exercise, even squatting on a daily basis is required.
Leader: Lívia Hollósy Kékesiné
Date: 5th October 2019 (Saturday) 9:00am
Venue: Pécs, Színház square

“Strong women are recognizable for their support for each other.” – GUBANC modern female spinner
We get together during the Arts and Science Festival and Conference and discuss various topics related to women’s lives. Meanwhile, we learn from each other, as did girls and women in the filature of old days, we make washable makeup removers from recycled material. You’ll need an old cotton t-shirt and some wadding-like fabric as well as needles and thread. Bring knitting and crochet needles with you, we provide the fabric. It is hand sewn and does not require a lot of time to make, but the result is spectacular. And last but not least, we protect our planet from unnecessary waste. Bring in your existing knitwork, crochet, embroidery and let’s work together! Let’s get inspired by each other’s creative work!
Leaders: Gyenese Andrea és Zombai Zita
Date: 5th October 2019 (Saturday) 10:00 am
Venue: Reménysugár Kulturális Egyesület (Pécs, Király street 9.)

It’s cool to be old! – PHOTO COMPETITION
The University of Pécs announces a photo competition for children and adolescents ages 6-18. Take a photo from your grandparents in one of their awesome moment. Let go of your fantasy! Requirements: minimum 2500 x 2000 pixels, file format: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, size: minimum 6 MB, maximum 3 images can be sent.
Please send your photos to with your name, contact details and age.
Announcement of results: Saturday, October 5, 2019, 10:00 AM,
Venue: Reggeli (Király utca 23-25.)
The arrival of photos is expected by October 1st.

Date: 5th October 2019 (Saturday) 10:00 am
Location: Pécs, Nappali (Király street 23-25.)

Faith, Religion, Science – Roundtable Discussion
The ITD of the University of Pécs, in cooperation with the META Association, launched in autumn 2018 a series of discussions entitled “Faith, Science, Religion”. The exchange of views happened within the university in the early days, however always with the intention to involve a wider public. This moment has just come, so the organizers have decided to make it a public event. The series of discussions essentially examine the relationship between faith, religion, and science, along the lines of religious, ethical, moral, and scientific issues. The participants are Tibor Görföl, Zsolt Cziglányi, Szabolcs Varga, András Szabó, Attila Sik, Jolán Orbán and Miklós Kellermayer. The discussion will begin with a short introductory presentation, followed by participants adding their thoughts. Involvement of the audience will be an explicit aspect; therefore, the exchange of views provides an opportunity for those who wish to speak in an interactive form. The event is public and free, but registration is required.”
Date: 5th October 2019 (Saturday) between 11:00-12:30
Location: Pécs, Nappali (Király street 23-25.)

Senior Joy Dance – ageless
The Senior Joy Dance is suitable for the elders body. It is a gently movement and brain training. You do not need any previous dance experience, becouse the choreographies are predefined and they are very easy. You do not have to look for partner, becouse everybody gpoing to be your dance partner.
Location: Pécs, Színház square
Date: 5th of October 2019. (Saturday) 14:00-15:00 pm
Leader: Mária Béres

Across Generations: Rays of Chernobyl
The HBO’s mini-series titled Chernobyl (2019) and its popularity gives a great opportunity to provide an informative and also interactive program to the wide spectrum of society. In the 3 hours program, the main topics are covered as follows: function of nuclear power plants, radioactivity and its environmental-biological effects, cultural and psychological consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. The speakers of the program are invited from different scientific areas as atomic and clinical physics, radiation biology, environmental protection and literary history – providing various points of view. The aim of the program is, to help understanding the Chernobyl disaster and its effects across ages and, by interactive discussion with the audience, to encourage expression of alternative perspectives and different ways of thinking on the matter.
Dr. Géza Sáfrány (NNK)| Dr. József Kóbor (PTE KK) | Dr. Edit Gilbert (PTE BTK) | Dr. Antal Kovács (MVM Paksi Atomerőmű Zrt.) | Csaba Bogdán (PTE ÁOK ITD) | András Szőke (PTE 3D Központ)
Date: 5th of October 2019. (Saturday) from 14:00pm
Venue: Reggeli (Pécs, Király street 23-25.)

Historic dinner at the Granary Visitor Centre
Franz Joseph, Austrian emperor and Hungarian king visited Pécs several times during his governance. During his stay here on June 23-24, 1891, he enjoyed the famous hospitality of the city, besides his reigning duties, and was able to try the culinary delights offered by Pécs in the Episcopal Palace. The menu of the grandiose meals has subsisted and the Institute of Transdisciplinary Discoveries together with the Granary Visitor Centre undertook to reproduce this event. In the frame of a historic dinner, the original menu will be served including Little sparkling wine, ’Cirfandli’ and ’Barátcsuha’ from Pécs. During the evening, writer and chef Tamás P. Horváth will read the details of the visit of the monarch from his novel published this year (A Zsolnay), followed by live music appropriate to the age and event. The actors of the evening wearing 19th-20th century costume strive to create the atmosphere of the turn of the 20th century, which will be completed with the style of the venue and place setting. The evening will be hosted by Dr. Máté Deák, historian. For more information on the dinner menu and attendance details, please visit our website.
Date: 5th October 2019 (Saturday) 18:00-21:00
Venue: Granary Visitor (Pécs, Aradi vértanúk street)
Participation fee: 12.900 HUF/person

Exhibition in Klimo Library: Literary literacy in Pécs from the beginnings to the 20th century
The Department of Historical Collections of the University of Pécs, like every spring, has compiled a new temporary exhibition, inspired by Professor Imre Nagy’s ’Öttorony’, published in 2013. The volume looks at the history of literary literacy in Pécs from the beginnings to the 20th century. The introduction of the work raises a number of questions about the literary history of a city and its potential for writing. What can we call the literature coming from Pécs? What does ’city’ mean? How should we view the non-literary texts of the city? Is there continuity or discontinuity in the story? Will the regional perspective or the Hungarian context appear more prominently? The exhibition is also warmly recommended by the organizers of the Art of Ageing Conference and Festival.
The exhibition is open from 30th May 2019 to 31st March 2020 under the Klimo Library – Pécs, Szepesy Ignác Street 3.